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A modern app, using the age old idea of the Golden Mean or phi , creating beautiful color harmonies and extended palettes.

Colors may be created manually using RGB sliders and refined by stepper controls. A random button generate colors by selecting from available color values. Alpha values maybe changed with the new slider. In this version RGBA and HSBA values are displayed.

Colors are created from the 256 values of RGB colors, resulting in more than 16,000,000 combinations. These sets include a collection of 8 colors; a carefully created 5 color harmony set, and 3 related colors. The related colors are the complement color, and accompanying triad colors. The color values may displayed as either RGBA text, HEX text, or HSBA and may be copied to the local clipboard for use in notes or emails or pasted into code. Color data may be stored for later recall, loaded from storage or removed from storage.

Any designer, artist, or one who uses color in her work or hobby will find the color sets both pleasing and useful. Think painting, decorating and web design to name a few. A portable color palette, on your desktop, to use when selecting paints, fabrics, or other mediums. The interface is enhanced for Mac displays and runs on OS X 10.8 or later.

See the companion app for iPhone and iPad.